During the elections, former President Benigno Aquino III called for a "united front" against Presidential front runner and now President, Rodrigo Duterte whom he described as a "future threat to democracy."

Duterte has uttered many scandalous statements during the elections, and this includes threatening to padlock the Congress. Now as President, he also threatened CJ Sereno, the United Nations and even opened up the possibilities of martial law.


"Therefore, it behooves everybody to try and get together and ensure, instead of thinking what we should do if everything he says is exactly what he intends to do, why don't we remove that problem or threat or insecurity by uniting the 70 and defeating the 30," Aquino said before.

"I'm trying to get all of these different voices from so many sectors together and in that sense perhaps help our candidates get together and have that united front."

"Uncertainty and the specter of a dictatorship are looming over our country once again. I call for unity, I call for decency, I call for democracy, I call for the rule of law," he said.

Now that the once tough-talking mayor has become the Philippine President, the question as to what the former President and his allies are planning remains. After all, his call for a united front has failed and was beaten by a record-breaking 16 million people who voted for President Rodrigo Duterte


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